I have been going through depression for the last five years.i completely isolated myself from all my friends.

I also have problems like mdd and adhd.

I think my isolation played a big role in my terrible mental condition.

But yesterday I decided to go outside and talk to my old friends.i was worried that they are not going to be welcoming towards me because I ghosted them.
Even though I wanted to talk to them for a very long time bout i feared they are not going to talk to me because I didn’t talk to them for the last five years.

But when I talked to them they were pretty happy to talk to me.they also told me to come regularly to them and spend some more time with them.

I’m feeling really good today. I want to do this more.

Sorry for my bad English.

  1. Awesome! Congratulations. That’s a big step, and I’m glad it went well. It’s great you have friends still around to invite you back in.

  2. congratulations!! I’m so glad you were feeling well enough and brave enough to take that risk of talking to your friends after not being able to for some time. way to go!

  3. What you did is amazing! Congratulations, keep it up! You can do this, feel proud about what you’ve done so far!

  4. You’re so lucky man, congrats! I disappeared but lost all my friends in the process.

    They never came back.

  5. HUGE CONGRATS. Taking that first step is huge.

    Changing your environment (ie leaving the house) is incredibly important.

    Just taking short daily walks made a huge difference for me when I was at my lowest.

    “It’s literally 10 minutes, what else am I going to be doing?”

    Now I go to the gym for the “change in scenery” and it feels like a pro-power move to go exercise INSTEAD of being depressed.

    Welcome to your journey, keep going. <3

  6. Ah that’s amazing and such a big step! I am truly so proud of you, bub! And I’m so happy your friends are truly friends and were there for you when you came back around. Those are some of the best friends to hold on too. But I’m sure that ray of sunshine felt so good on your skin and face, enjoy it! But again, way to go!

  7. Extraordinarily done! That had to be challenging, I can’t even imagine but you took the step and did it. Congratulations!

  8. I’m so happy for you. I hope there many more days of fresh air with your friends to come

  9. Yes bro I struggle with isolation too and have also reached out to friends I’ve gone ghost on, with nothing but positivity coming from them.

    It’s very difficult for me to admit my feelings to others because I’ve basically never done it in my life.
    But people are not like I imagine in my head, they actually forgive and want to have others in their lives.
    Most of my life I didn’t want anyone in my life because I felt that it comes with nothing but problems and annoyance.
    I slowly start to understand and implement that life is about these relationships because despite me thinking I’m better on my own now I see it made me miserable.

    I know how ashamed you might feel but don’t let it stop you, we got this.

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