Two months ago I met this guy on Coffee Meets Bagel, we clicked instantly and I felt great match with him. We chat on the app for 2 days and he asked for my number so that we can contact through WhatsApp. I didn’t give my number for safety purpose but I did ask for his. I contacted him afterwards. Since then we’ve been talking, he called me sometimes and we exchange selfies. We plan to meet up (but never did because he lives in another state — about 3 hours drive). For the first 1.5 months it was great talking to him, he melted my heart and I really, really want to stay connected to him for a looonggg time. Then one day when we were texting, I asked about his last relationship (he was single since 2019 — so it was quite long ago) and asked about the girl. He was uncomfortable to talk about it and I ended up apologising afterwards and he said “okay”. At that time I didn’t think of anything but suddenly he become passive aggressive afterwards. From frequent texting to no texting at all in day. I asked if he needed some space and he said yes. He proceeded not to contact me for the next 3 days. I text him again asking whether during space whether he wanted no contact at all or texting is okay. He replied that he is okay with me texting him. But things had gotten worse since. He slowly cut communication with me and it was terrible. I suffered emotional rollercoaster for 2 weeks. I really, really, really like him and I feel he has the same feels too. But whenever I ask he said something about being busy and work issues. I finally decided to cut contact with him after 2 weeks because it was getting so unbearable. I was in a mess and can’t really focus on my daily things. I told him to come to me when he is ready. After I cut contact with him I was struggling emotionally cause I miss him being around so much. I’ve been crying too. I’m soo attached to this guy. That’s when I listen to his favourite English song “Soledad by westlife” . I’m 100% convinced now that he hasn’t moved on from his ex. Lesson learnt : ask about whether they have move on from their last relationship!!

P/S: I came out from 7years of marriage (10 year relationship with my ex), when I met this guy on CMB I was 1year 1 month divorced and totally have moved on from my ex.

I need some encouraging words to move from him. Been crying my eyes out and it’s crazy. I haven’t cry for anyone for a long time 🙁

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