for example you ask to cancel on an outing and ur friend replies brusquely with one word – in my head i’m thinking okay he’s mad but he’s not saying so therefore it’s not my problem, and i don’t care enough about him to ask (otherwise i wouldn’t have cancelled, also not that i don’t care about him at all as a person, i just don’t wanna spend free time with him). i don’t want to be managing his emotions like asking hey are you mad about this. or someone snaps at you with some projection of how they perceive you and because they so abruptly spit it out it seems like it’s been brewing for some time but then when you ask if u upset them, they go quiet and say ‘i’m good just needed to not talk for a bit to recharge’ – in my head i’m thinking this person is immature because why not address this problem when it first pops up (before the blowing up at me) or at the very least consider it might not be based in reality (i don’t like being labelled) and talk about it AFTER the blow up ?? and i don’t want to be friends at all even just casually, but then i think what if im the problem here and need to accept that he just… idk i just need to accept that that’s how he functions? is he being immature? genuinely i just don’t entertain any implicit messages or signs of him being mad about something because it’s annoying and i feel like he’s grown enough to talk about it so if he doesn’t i’ll act under the assumption there’s nothing wrong, but i still feel something like resentment at the fact that he acts like this?

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