In Hungarian especially in primary school a favourite passtime of a lot of kids were telling puns / jokes like these. A lot of them are rather vulgar and crude but sometimes they can be funny and creative. Hit me with some of your best.

For example:

What’s the name of the Greek restaurant owner?

Abrosz Tisztakosz \[Abros Tistakos – the tablecloth is very dirty\]


What’s the name of the Chinese phone repairman?

Nicsak Kicseng. \[Ni-chuck Ki-chang – Oh look it rings\]


What’s the name of the Japanese car mechanic?

Cseregumi Hamaroda \[Cheregumi Hamaroda – quickly changes tires\]


What’s the name of the Polish taxi driver?

Mikorsodrótszki \[sounds like mikor sodródsz ki which means ‘when will you skid off the road’\]


What’s the name of the Russian prostitute?

Pinája Nyikorogna \[Pinaya Nhikorogna – her p\*ssy would creak\]


What’s the name of the German bachelor?

Hans Régenkúrt \[Hans Regenkurt – Hans who hasn’t shagged in a long time\]

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