I’m in this basketball team and there’s 2 girls that does not like me. They were on the same basketball team as me last season. Let’s call them G and H. I’m honestly not sure why they hate me other than I’m not very good at basketball and I was very quiet last season because I was scared that no one liked me and I just wanted to focus on getting better, honestly it sucked last season because I felt so singled out. This season I tried out again G and H once again tried out as well. But I immediately talked to people and befriended a few girls other than them. Today it’s an official practice day and I’m scared if I should actually play for this team. I’m just honestly scared that they hate me (they definitely doesn’t like me) and that everyone else will hate me too, also because I’m one of the worst players. And just scared that the last season would repeat, I would get singled out again. Tbh they make it really obvious, I accidentally tripped H during tryouts and I apologized immediately and H said it’s okay, I held out my hand to help her out and she ignored me completely. Then I got a stink eye from both of them. Another instance is the coach partnered me and H together, and she openly said “can I switch teams?” And let the person behind her go in front just to not have to play with me. Since the season JUST started I know not everyone hates me, but l’m just so scared. Any advice? And should I play for the team or not?

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