I was reading this article (unfortunately paywalled, but I am sure someone can post a free link:) : [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/america-religion-decline-non-affiliated/677951/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/america-religion-decline-non-affiliated/677951/)

Basically summarized… church going/religious affiliation is going down very fast in the United States. And whether you view this as a good or bad thing there… hasn’t really been anything to fill that gap in the community. I saw a twitter thread that said (ironically), that whereas you would think people would fill this gap with art, community or self actualization… really it seems like people are filling it with screen time. And rates of lonliness have gone up.

Someone did comment that… church going and religious affiliation has been steadily going down in Europe for years and they wondered if European countries were facing the same lack of community engagement, lack of clubs/organizations, and in person socialization. Nobody really responded to this… so I wanted to pose the question here.

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