Why did you have sex when you didn’t really want to?

  1. Situations like: coercion, manipulation, threats, force, being in an abusive relationship, fear, having a partner who would not gracefully accept a no

  2. I’ve had sex with my husband before when I’m really not in the mood. When it’s been a while we tend to get off sync. My husband is very touchy feely. He starts to get a little colder. He doesn’t do it on purpose, he’s not coercing me. But sometimes for me it’s “oh it’s been a while” sex, not “oh, I want to bang” sex.

  3. very tired but unable to sleep. had sex so that i can calm tf down and go to sleep. wasn’t really horny but thought “eh what’s the harm”

  4. I’ve always been in committed relationships, so when that does happen it has more to do with me supporting my SO than being coerced into something.

  5. Couldn’t say no to a loved one. I wanted him to be happy and satisfied with me so I did even though every cell of my body didn’t

  6. To keep my husband happy, I don’t want him to start the whole “you don’t love me, you’re not attracted to me”

  7. Guilt. Coercion. Force. “Obligation”. Not to mention that some men will treat you different if you don’t or it’s been a while.

  8. Because my wife wanted to and I want her to be happy. Doesn’t happen often but it’s not a big deal.

  9. Because I knew it will end fast so better to have it once rather than seeing him worried about me.

    When I want some time alone he gets worried if something is troubling me. Well he is a sweet guy but sometimes all I want is time alone.

  10. With a recovering porn addict sometimes it’s hard to say no, scared he would relapse.

  11. Because I didn’t want to hear the temper tantrums or experience the silent treatment.

  12. for me sex is like taking a dump, i don’t always feel like it but always feel kinda good during it and so i don’t mind it.

  13. I’m really sorry to read how many people ITT have experienced coercion

    But to answer the question since I’m here, I once woke up to my ex girlfriend riding me. It was very much the beginning of the end of our relationship

  14. I never have, largely because of a high libido, but also I hate sex when I’m not in the mood

  15. For money, drugs and alcohol. I knew nothing else in life that could bring me joy in that period of time.

  16. Because I thought he’d want to commit as in be in a relationship. If I didn’t he’d move on to someone else who was ready sooner. This doesn’t work ladies and gentlemen, so then I felt dumb and used in the end 🤷‍♀️

  17. pressure, not directly from him, but in my head, because i knew we weren’t anything but friends with benefits and we’d spent a few hours together in the day for it to have not ended in sex. i knew that’s what he wanted, and i didn’t want him to think i was a prude or frigid.

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