My (F32) fiance (M33) gets defensive and annoyed everytime I bring up a small thing that bothers me.

Recently I noticed sometimes our conversations quality has gone down. Whenever I talked about that interest me, he would have very little to no input.

Last night after the movies, we were both in a good mood and I asked him why we don’t see similar production quality in xyz country where we came from. Instead of continuing the topic, he just said the movie was great and continued on.

This has happened a few times, so I asked him if he was listening and that I felt like he hasn’t been replying to my questions sometimes. He said he was and the movie was great. I said that’s not my question…He starts getting irritated and tells me he was in fact listening to me and he was engaged, he just didn’t have any input.

I told him I don’t feel heard sometimes. He gets mad and we ended up having a full blown fight. This morning I approached him again and said I wish sometimes he would just acknowledge me and my feelings. We could both be right, but at that moment I don’t feel heard. He thinks he did nothing wrong and shouldn’t need to baby my feelings.

Am I really too sensitive in this situation?

If this was a one off incident I definitely wouldn’t have double down and escalated. I simply felt he dismissed me and didn’t even bother to acknowledge my feelings.

Tl;dr: my fiancé doesn’t want to deal with my feelings if he doesn’t think they’re “right”. Am I too sensitive?

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