Been in a LDR, met a year ago and texting for 6mo previous to that.
We see eachother every 6 weeks or so for a long weekend Fri-mon.
He’s 46, French, divorced, no kids
I’m 45, British, divorced, 1 child

Last year we went on holiday together and he told me he loved me, I was really shocked, kind of came out of nowhere imo. He’s not a sweet, romantic, express his feelings kind of guy! Anyway I didn’t/couldnt say anything, I guess the conversation moved on or something I can’t remember.
Anyway since then I’ve told him I love him every time we’ve met and he just smiles and kisses me. I asked him over text recently if he meant what he said and he said you’re really drunk, I hope you feel better soon. I had been out with friends but not at all drunk 🤷‍♀️ it was just his way of avoiding the question. So has he changed his mind or??

It isn’t out of character though, a lot of things he says/does confuse me!
(I get that’s there’s a language and culture barrier but not so bad that it’s not worth it, – he’s worth it ❤️

Some things that confuse me:
He hates video calling and won’t engage at all, his way of communicating when we’re apart is to share funny reels, or the occasional text chat. He does always reply straight away though, he’s not one to play games. I love there’s no pressure to send a good morning /good night message every day.

He doesn’t compliment me at all except re sex. He seems to find that really hard. He can be very sweet over text, but not in person. He takes compliments well though, I do it a lot and he’s not embarrassed or anything.

He talks a LOT about all his stunning ex GFs, almost like he’s talking to his mates but gets very jealous eg if I go out with friends

We have a great, adventurous sex life, except he won’t do oral, at all. I’m not esp bothered by not receiving it I just find it odd given what other stuff we get up to!

He listens to a podcast in English every day in order to learn English because we’re together. He talks a lot about future plans, he wants me to move to France (but not to his town, he says it wouldn’t be a good place for me to live, he’s genuinely thought about where I’d like to live. NB I never said I want to live in his town 🤷‍♀️) he says he’ll never live with a woman again but also said I’d be the exception (unprompted, I didn’t ask him).

There’s more but I realise I’m making him sound bad, he’s not at all. I love his nature, he’s confident and dominant. I’ve only ever dated the opposite where I’ve ended up feeling like their mother so very welcome change.

Where do I go from here? He’s sent me a few reels since but I haven’t replied. I’m stumped by telling me his loves me once then never again. And letting me say it back with no reply.

He’s coming here for a week next month, meeting my family and friends for the first time. I didn’t invite him lol he just decided it was time 😆

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