The other day I decided to take my brother out for his birthday. I asked my brother if it was okay for me to bring my partner as he asked to take me out also that night. My brother said sure. My partner decided to invite his friend from work.

My partner and I showed up to the bar / restaurant first. Ten minutes later my partners coworker came with 6 other coworkers. They decided they did not want to sit at the bar and got a table. They did save spots for us however, this was not an outing for them but, something that one of them was invited to and decided to invite 6 other coworkers. I told my partner I was gonna stay at the bar. My partner decided that he would leave me at the bar and go with his coworkers to the table because he didn’t want it to be awkward. So, I sat at the bar by myself until my brother got there with his partner.

My partner did come over with the one coworker that was invited to order them to shots and went back to the table. I sent my partner a text to say hopefully he was going home with someone else. He then came to the bar to sit with us. Later that night I found out that my partner had texted the one coworker, that I was mad. The coworker responded well I’m surprised they were nice to save them spots at the table. My partner agreed in the text.

Should my partner have stayed with me? Should he have addressed the issue with his corker inviting others out? Should my partner have defended his partner when his coworker made the statement that he was surprised we were saved spots at the table for us? You were invited, how can you try to change the plans of something you were invited to.

tl;dr: my boyfriend is not setting boundaries with friends and left me alone.

  1. Your partner is a total dunderhead for inviting other people to your celebration with a family member. Also, he threw you under the bus by texting a coworker that you were mad. It wasn’t for them to save you a spot at the table, it was for your partner to not invite them in the first place? This can’t be the only time he’s been this much of a dreary handful?

  2. I don’t think this is huge deal….. bf could have spent a little more time with you guys but the coworkers moved to a table and allowed you and your brother to have time together which was the point of the outing in the first place, for you to see your brother. He shouldn’t have ditched you guys so quickly though

    But I mean on another note, It’s a public place, you can’t be upset that people showed up to a place that isn’t a private space….

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