What should I do

I have been with my girlfriend for about 3 years. There is more context and details than I could possibly take the time to type.

For now, I will not provide any. Instead. I need unbiased opinions. As those in my life all give me advice that I view as biased. Either towards me or her.

If you have time, please read what happened about 1 hour ago. And tell me. What should I do. If there are any questions that I can answer to help, ask away.

Tonight my girlfriend and I left my house after we both got off work at our respective jobs and headed to the weed store. I bought some weed for us, so that we could smoke before we went to the hookah bar. Once arriving at the hookah bar, we hadn’t had any quarrel at this point, I realized that it was about to close. She was watching tik toks and I asked if we could go ahead and go inside. She informed me that I always ruin her night by rushing her rather than letting her take her time and chill. She cussed me out about this the entire time we walked from the car to the bar. People were staring. I did cuss her back and respond with my own hateful words. After leaving the hookah bar and heading back towards my house, I cannot recall exactly what began the argument. But she ultimately ended up pointing her phone at me with the flash on recording while she was cussing me out. So I did the same, I began to record with the flash pointing in her face as she points hers at mine as we drive through the city. I then reached back and turned the light on in the back seat. This prompted her to pull over and tell me to get out of the car and walk home. At first I said no and said that she needed to drive me home because we were not close at all. But then she hit me in the back of the head with her phone, which I got in my footage perfectly, so I got out and started walking.

I called my friend to come pick me up as I happened to be near his house. He came and drove me home, but begged me not to stay here. Told me it was the dumbest decision I could possibly make. Once we arrived we came inside for a moment and she came up from my room and cussed out my friend and I. I wanted to stay at my house, so I told her that she needed to apologize to my friend if she wanted me to stay. And do she did and so I did. As soon as he left she began berating me saying that I am either gay or bisexual for hanging out with my friend. Said some very homophobic stuff about that as well. So I am now sleeping in my little sisters room since she’s not here, as she lays in my bed down stairs.

Simply “breaking up with her” is not an easy solution.

I am stuck

She always manages to convince me that I am in the wrong. My friends tell me that I am always in the right. I have no idea what the truth or the reality of the situation is.

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