I met a guy two months ago and we both said early on we wanted something long-term. We went on 6 dates, had sex, spent the night together. He told his parents about me, asked me to meet his friends (which i couldn’t at the time). We had a lot of fun together and he was the first guy I actually liked in a really long time and I saw myself wanting to commit to him. He went on a 3 week long trip and I don’t know if it’s because we haven’t seen each other in so long that the spark died or he met someone new but everything changed. He was texting me less, being dry, cancelling our dates, so I texted him and asked what was going on and he said it wasn’t me, work was just getting busy/stressful and he didn’t have time to focus on anything else (a.k.a. me). I told him to get in touch when things get less busy so we could grab a drink and he said “will take you up on that drink”. It’s been over a week now and he hasnt reached out. I still follow him on Instagram and saw he posted a story at a basketball game, surely he would’ve had time to spend a couple hours with me once in a while if he had time to commute an hour downtown for a game during the work week. Just shows how little he liked me and cared about me. My heart is broken. I’ve been dating around a while and this time I let myself feel my feelings instead of trying to emotionally detach myself and it just fucking sucks. I was really convinced this would of turned into an actual relationship and he would be the one. I

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