So I broke up with my girlfriend about 2 months ago and I really broke her heart. Without going into any details, our relationship became unhealthy on many levels so ultimately it felt like the right decision. Due to us living together I couldn’t just go no contact which made things very hard emotionally for the both of us. Luckily I’m moving into my own apartment this saturday. Problem is that we still love and care for each other deeply and it’s been hard to not be affectionate. We’ve talked about it and I told her that I love her and want things to work, but that I can’t be 100% invested in the relationship because of our issues. I stand for my decision of breaking up with her and she deserves someone who is completely sure they want to be with her. I messed up and told her ”IF we are to even try solving this, we have to do it VERY slowly and test the waters first, but I can’t really see how it’s gonna work out”. Such a clumsy thing of me to say.. So now she mistakenly believes that I want to get back together and I feel like a complete ass for keeping her in this limbo. I never lied to her about my feelings and intentions tho. Yes I love her and I really want her love too.. but I can’t be the person she needs and deserves. Somehow the last part fell through the cracks and now, in her mind, we are getting back together and I don’t know how I’m supposed to break it to her. She’s already heartbroken and struggling enough, I’m so scared that killing this false hope will completely destroy her.

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