Yes, I am a single child and I have understood that being a single child sucks from when Covid happened. When I say don’t have good friends it’s not that they are toxic or something it’s just that I am not so close to any of them to share about all fights with my family that I have or any other things that are personal since I feel like they won’t understand or judge me.

During covid I had no clue how to pass my time and I become addicted to watching Netflix and every random videos on YouTube for hours together cause I genuinely dint know what to do and even though my parents used to shout at me and ask to spend time with them the only activity I used to spend time with my parents was watching movies or cooking. I just felt like I lost the need to talk to people and no one understands me and it I just started feeling pretty jealous when I just to see my friends during our calls annoying their siblings, having fun, helping each other out and binging together.

I really imagine situations of me having people around having fun with them whenever I see other other people having so much fun with their siblings and they always standup for one another.

After covid and when I had to shift to a whole new school I was determined to do academically well and make some close friends, but my addiction problem with YouTube or social media in general has not been solved even after 2 years and I have been so distracted and since my parents noticed this and just scolding me about it rather than understanding or trying to help I lash out a lot.I know they can’t do anything about me being distracted over social media it all depends on my self control but I just can’t help it cause of how lonely and bored I feel.They don’t care on what all I am going through in my life or how silent I am and why am I so all they care about is why have I been so distracted and how will I study better these are the times when I feel like if I ever had a sibling I’m sure they would support me atleast in attaining my peace and take away the pressure from my parents being entirely on me. I mean the only people you can bitch about your parents with is your sibling especially when you are a teenager right.
P.S. I also need tips on how to stay undistacted and increase my attention span while studying since my exams are getting near.

I really wish I had someone who can treat me like family and vice versa.

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