About three months ago I started talking to a girl online. I met her through mutual friends on instagram and we eventually started talking frequently and it was very obvious we were both into each other. For context, she used to live in my city but her and her family had moved about 4 hours away but she wanted to move back and into her male best friend and his brothers house in my city at the end of this year.
Anyway, after some time talking online she told me she was planning on coming down to visit some of her friends that still lived here and we organized meeting up for a date.

Now, I did have some feelings for her but I’ve always needed to break the boundary between talking online and being in person to truly know how I feel about someone. But when we finally saw each other for the first time a bit more than two months ago, after a few hours together I got that gut feeling that she was perfect.

After our first date, she told me that her male best friend was having a party the next day. She invited me to go with her so I obviously said yes. The party was great and I really enjoyed spending more time with her.

We were basically inseparable and I was just so happy to be with her.

This is where I really started to have strong feelings for her, and after I left in the morning she was all I could think about.

I ended up inviting her over to mine, and we had a much smaller party with her, her friend and two of my friends, all similar age. I spent a lot more time alone with her, the others were getting along with each other and we really built a connection and it ended up being another amazing day spent with her.

But that was the last time I’ve seen her since she had to go back home. When she went back home we started to call on facetime every night for hours and it was all good, apart from conversations slowly getting stale over time.

We never really officially started dating, but she began to act like I was her boyfriend, calling me her man/boyfriend and telling everyone we were dating, which i didn’t really have a problem with and started to do the same. We planned on me coming up to visit her as soon as we had a chance, and she told me she was happy to take some days off work to see me.

The nightly calls went on right up until the past two weeks or so. I would always text her asking to call, but the thing is she would and still has never asked me to call.

On top of that, I began to start feeling like she doesn’t really care how I’ve been, and she constantly would tell me about how much she wants to see her friends, and stopped mentioning wanting to see me. This left me feeling like she doesn’t care about me and didn’t even want to see me. Then one night she said she couldn’t call for no apparent reason. I kept asking every night for a week, and the answer was no every time.

So I stopped asking, I figured that if she wanted to call me she would call me, and we just stopped calling. But a few nights ago she called me randomly. She told me her best friend (the one whose party we went to) was moving from my city another 3 hours away and she still wanted to move in with them. This has had me wondering if she ever even plans on seeing me again.

While we tried organizing a visit, she started to make it seem like she doesn’t even want me to come up. I offered countless dates after the initial plan for the visit, which she said she didn’t think it was a good idea anymore because of being too busy at work, a completely different opinion than what she had at first.

I don’t like long distance at all, I was happy to do it for her temporarily until she moved back, but now that she plans on moving somewhere entirely different I doubt that I’m going to be able to see her as much as I want to.

Since she told me she was moving even further I started to consider breaking up since we only just started dating anyway, but i’ve just been so scared to.

I have such strong feelings for her that i’ve never felt for anyone before and it’s driving me crazy because I’m scared I won’t find someone like her again. I just feel so alone and want to be with her so badly, but I don’t feel the same energy from her anymore and the fact she’s moving even further makes me think that I’m never going to see her again.

Does anybody have some advice on what to do in this situation?

tldr; i’ve been dating my girlfriend long distance for about 2 months and she’s started to seem like she’s losing feelings, she also is moving even further away and it seems like i’ll never even see her again

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