My husband and I will be empty nesters soon (last child will be a senior next year). The kids always had lots of activities and youth sports, plus my husband coached some teams, so every weekend it seemed there was either a practice or game or a travel tournament out of town. And it even got to the point where my husband was complaining that he never had any time to himself and all we did was shuttle the kids, etc. This was particularly true for my middle child who is now a senior as my husband was most involved with his stuff. Now that these activities are winding down, my husband has a lot of downtime on the weekends and he’s literally driving me nuts. Now he basically has his coffee in the morning and will just sit at the kitchen island scrolling his phone. The one thing he does do is workout but once he’s done with that, he’s back at the island scrolling his phone. He might get bored with that and go lie down for awhile. Then he’s back scrolling his phone. Ugh. Unfortunately, he’s not a guy who has a big group of friends who go golfing, fishing, beer league softball etc. We have friends like that and he’s been invited to do all these things but he’s not obsessed with these types of hobbies like the husbands in our friend group. He used to get invited to stuff but he was either busy or not that interested so they stopped asking.

I’m literally going to go crazy if he’s just sitting here all day. I don’t say too much because what am I going to say? It’s like telling my kids “Go do something!! Get out of my hair for a few hours!!” Anyway, I’m probably just venting because there’s no real solution other than him figuring it out.


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