So I need some constructive criticism or advice, I can’t really make friends let alone keep them for long it seems. I’m in a few group chats with people as part of a big friend group and I’m usually the one who doesn’t communicate much at all. When I meet new people the convos seem to die off really quick and a few days later we don’t exchange messages anymore but I’ll see them talking and hanging out with my group and make friends with my other friends pretty easily and I don’t know what I am doing wrong.

Everyone says I seem too depressed and hard to reach and that i never reach out when I ask why no one messages me or wants to hang out because I got upset at my friend group and blew up in our group chat asking why no one ever messages me. My coworkers also leave me out of things but they all hang out minus one or two other people and when I ask a few like why I never was invited it always is “oh well it was a last minute thing we didn’t plan it”.

I’m a part of a pretty big fandom where the big motto is “be yourself and we are accepting” however my experience in said fandom is worse than my regular life where it’s even harder to talk to people.

I genuinely don’t know if it’s anxiety that’s making it harder to reach out to people (like I always think what if they don’t like me right off the bat or what if I can’t find anything to say). I’ve been told before that my personality is off putting (i tend to be very blunt on things, like if someone rubs me the wrong way or if I’m asked for an honest opinion)

Sorry for the long text yall

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