I (25 F) have reconnected with someone from high school (25 M). We have spoken almost everyday for the past 3 months and at this point I think he is actually starting to like me. He just told me “I’m too much for his heart” I should mention too that we have not seen eachother in person as he is in the military. I like him too, to an extent. I mean it’s hard for me to tell without getting to know someone in person. I also don’t know if I’m going to find him all that attractive in person. The other thing is I talk to a lot of people mostly at night because I am bored.

I’ve been single for a little over a year. My ex absolutely broke my heart and it’s taken a long time to heal. I am ready for a new relationship, but my next serious relationship I want to be with someone I see as my husband.

This guy from high school is getting out of the military and moving back home this weekend and can’t wait to see me. There’s a few things about him that as far as I know don’t meet my list of non negotiables. I am very picky, but I am definitely willing to give him a chance in person. I just think he thinks we’ve been talking for 3 months we’re on the verge of being exclusive which honestly would make sense and I am not there at all! I have a hard time settling down but when I do I’m all in.

I just don’t know how to navigate it or what to say because I don’t want him to feel like I’ve been leading him on. I do want to continue to get to know him but I also am going to continue and talk to other people and date as I have been this whole time. I just don’t want to hurt his feelings.

I can already feel myself acting weird and distant whenever he brings up coming home and hanging out. I don’t wanna act like that in person too. I did this with my last boyfriend too as he started getting close, it might be avoidant attachment. Sort of ironic because once in a relationship I’m total opposite and definitely more anxiously attached.

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