If you can change one thing on your body what would it be ?

  1. More body mass im already on the buff side but i want to get bigger 💪

  2. Can’t say I’m a huge fan of the aging process. I’d like to have this removed.

  3. Probably my hairline or my teeth. I didn’t look after my teeth when I was like 13/14 so although they are straight and pretty white now, I have so many internal problems with them from cavities. My hairline is obviously just gradually receding over time but that is normal.

  4. My penis is just wayyyyy too big. I’m tired of having to promise not to put it in all the way. And all my pants have to be customized to hold my huge massive member.

  5. I’m gonna skip the obvious and say I wish my belly was smaller. Even when I was super lean and doing a bunch of core workouts I still had a slight fat ring around my lower belly and hips. Never could get a six pack no matter how hard I tried or how little I ate.

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