Hello everyone
I am 27M living in a popular US city and I have not found someone who I am genuinely attracted to in about 1 year. I faced some personal tragedy this year loosing someone horribly and it shook me down to rock bottom depression. It was my first time that my family thankfully guided me out of, granted me some clarity, and made a lot of great plutonic females friendships. I was broken down by my past and emerged a new person physically, mentally, and spiritually. Ive been going to the gym and am the healthiest I’ve been in a while. Mentally I no longer thrive off negative emotions because spiritually I’ve built a closer relationship to God. As this new person I did not realize the cascade of effects it would have. I have built a substantial amount of new friends majority female. It’s an odd thing to say but being around them I have not had a romantic thought about any of them. They are beautiful and kind women I can identify that much. It tipped me off and I had a realization when I was drinking that I have felt like this for a long time but just internalized it.
Let me preface this by saying I have dated several great women in my life how have taught me valuable lessons about life. However somewhere along the way I lost that part of me.
I tried to stimulate that portion of me by going on some internet dates with some wonderful partners. None succeeded in reviving that part of me I tried and humor them but I know I can’t grant them that part of me. I must profess that I do let them know prior that I am not looking for anything serious. People say I haven’t met the right person but it starts to sound like a catch phrase.I’ve gone to gentlemen clubs to see if I could provoke that portion of myself to show some I don’t know intensity but I couldn’t just made me awkward laugh. I am NOT asexual I have had wonderful partners in the past and am interested in women but I just cannot manifest that portion of my personality at the moment. I am aware that portion of me is missing but don’t know what to do about it. Funny enough God’s sense of humor I suspect is my dates have never been more successful. These dates follow up with me usually several days later after no activity dialogue wise from my end. When am I going to see you again? I had a great time! Yadda yadda yadda! I want to reciprocate something but I don’t know how. It’s ironically funny that after my personal shake up it remodeled my mind into a new person with new desires but am now highly successful with what they were before the change.
I want to know is there anyway to revive my desire for romance? Will it work its way out? Or stay as the new person that I am?
I suspect my subconscious is trying to protect me from my masochist methods but I genuinely do not know. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I’ve read similar threads but not from another males perspective.

1 comment
  1. I’m excited to see what people say to this! It’s been the same for me for about 2 years now! I wish you all the best!

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