What did you once think was a curse but now feel is a blessing?

  1. Not getting jobs that I soooo desperately wanted at the time I applied.

  2. Small breasts, I sleep better

    Looking like I’m 14 I love and hate at the same time, all my friends are freaking out about getting older but I look like a literal child no matter how much I age.

  3. Type 1 diabetes. In some ways it’s depressing because the country I’m in price gouges you on insulin but it has allowed me to meet other type 1 diabetics and allows me to empathize with their situation. I’m still trying to figure out how to move to Canada or Europe though.

  4. Not being able to grow my hair very far past my shoulders. I’ve been growing my hair out and only getting trims to get rid of dead ends for about 5 years now, I started with my hair just below my earlobes because of lice and how thick my hair is, took me a year to grow it back where it was just past my shoulders. But I’ve realized how much product I’d have to use if my hair was where I wanted it to be at my mid back.

  5. Menopause. No longer having to go through monthly bouts of crying and feeling suicidal was worth it.

  6. Being a late bloomer. All through junior high I watched every other girl get boobs, buy bras, and chat about it all. I had absolutely nothing. I’d sometimes even pad my “bra” (just a camisole).

    Then 15 hit and boom. I had boobs. And I’m early adulthood I realized, they were NICE boobs. Like, really perfect. Easily nicer than all of the girls who got boobs at a normal time and rubbed it in my face.

    Patience is virtue!

  7. Gaps in my teeth. They’re fixed now, but I also had enough space in my mouth that my wisdom teeth could grow in just fine.

  8. Stupid fucking hymen from hell. I couldn’t even use tampons, so PIV was impossible. Had to use dialators for more than a year to stretch it out (the other option was having it cut)

    But that was like 15 years ago, so my hymen is still sort of intact and makes things… tight

  9. Meeting people that have treated me the worst. I used to feel like I didn’t deserve it and I didn’t need it, but now I have experience and I like that. Now I know what I don’t want, how I want people to treat me etc… Self awareness and self respect is a blessing.

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