I used to be a very aloof sort of person, not chasing any female but I find myself catching feelings for this one person who is now a good friend (and has made her intentions clear for our relationship to stay that way – its a grey area – read ahead ).

I find myself obsessing over this person and to a degree wasting a lot of time responding to their messages, watching the trillions of reels they send me and spending a lot of time with this person in university (she exclusively hangs out with me).

I want to instead chase my purpose but I don’t know how I can stop obsessing and I don’t want to lose them as a friend but I kind of want some time to speak with and engage with other people and do other things for which she seems to be sucking the time out of.

She has been very helpful as a friend and I don’t want to lose that but I also feel there is no net positive of me continuing on the same obsessed path because my grades are suffering and so is the time that I have left to pursue my goals.

I don’t want to leave them but they keep somehow pulling me back in and leaving my in this grey area where I can’t quite put a finger on whether they actually like me or are just playing around.

What should I do and how should I proceed such that I can chase my goals instead while not losing them as a friend?

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