I just found out my husband had an affair for 4 months in 2022-2023. With our nanny. Who has been a part of our family for 4 years.

They did this on a cruise we all went on and I was terribly ill and stayed inside the cabin to rest and they had sex.

They had sex multiple times within the 4 month span. When I was with our son at the hospital it happened in our bed. When I was taking my son to physical therapy etc.

And it’s not like I am out of the house that often so I am shocked he found time to do this.

He says he regrets it etc etc but how do I move on?
How do I trust? I feel like I am absolute garbage and worthless now.

I want to burn my bed.

Every time I look at him I see them having s3x and it breaks my heart.

I am also 3 months PP so that’s icing on the cake.

The affair was 2022 and ended in March of 2023. I got pregnant in May of 2023 and things had been amazing even better than before and last night we got into an argument and he confessed.

My friends know and are basically telling him off and he is now saying I’m letting him become a punching bag. I also confronted our nanny and let her have it/ they both are in the wrong. She did not seem to be sorry and kept saying she didn’t want to do it yet she did and sent naked photos to
Him on Snapchat.

How the fuck did I miss this? How did I not know??

I’m not sure what I’m looking for here, but I’ll take any feedback or advice.

Please help this mama out who hasn’t stopped crying since I was told this news yesterday.

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