So like many people I have a Netflix account and also like many other people I share a password with friends. When we were all in school we would take turns paying monthly which was fine until we left school and went different ways.

Now I am the only one who pays for it and the others don’t, I want to end the account and get my own AV but I kind of stay in contact with them and I want to avoid conflict, what should I do?

  1. Just say you can’t afford it anymore and you’re getting rid of the account all together.

  2. If you are the only one paying you say:

    Sorry guys it costs too much so I am cancelling.

    Then you just change the password.

  3. Just say Netflix is shit now (very believable) and you’re getting rid of it

  4. Be honest and say you’ve had enough of free loaders. Or change the pw and say you don’t want to share it anymore because it keeps preventing you from using it when you need to, due to concurrent viewing limits. Or say you’ve cancelled due to budgeting constraints due to cost of living crisis etc.

  5. If they’ve stopped paying and not had the decency to discuss that with you change the passwords and logout all devices. If they query it, something along the lines of oh you’ve not paid in ages so I figured you weren’t using any more.

  6. When you change password it gives you the option to require all devices logged in with the old one to enter the new one to continue.

    If they’ve got something for free they can’t expect it to last forever. Life lesson!

  7. If your friends get salty about not being able to freeload on your account any more, they aren’t very good friends.

  8. Change your password and tell them to stop being a bunch of freeloading cunts.

  9. Tell them you heard Netflix are gonna start banning people for sharing logins. (Which is true.) So you can’t do it any more sorry.

  10. Just change your password. I did this and said sorry guys there’s too many people that are using it and sometimes I can’t even get on it myself. I was just honest

  11. They’re probably still using it wondering why you haven’t changed the password yet. If you did change/cancel it the probably wouldn’t have the front to say anything given that the cost used to be shared.

  12. If they’re friends then say “hey guys, it’s someone else’s turn to pay for the Netflix or I’m happy to go our separate ways instead?”

  13. I had a similar issue recently.

    You could say you can’t afford it/ it’s not worth it for you currently as you.dont use it much.

    Then cancel and make another account, possibly with another email address and less screens.

  14. Change the password and if anyone complains, explain you thought they didn’t use it since they’ve not paid

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