Hi everyone,

Maybe this could be coming off a bit psycho, but I want to know if anyone understands my concern and if you all think I should ask about it. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 1,5 years now.

So, a few months ago I went through my boyfriends following list and came across this girl; they both followed (and still are) each other on instagram, not that weird to begin with. But here is the thing, there was a birthday picture on her feed where she was holding balloons celebrating turning 17. Keep in mind that my boyfriend is 23 now, and was 22 then. She is not a sister or anything from any of his friends. I checked and he never liked a picture of her, which he does not do that often with anyone anyways. This made me decide not to bring it up because I don’t want to come off as a psycho girlfriend.

Today, she popped in my head again and I thought I would go on her profile to see if she posted anything just out of curiosity. She did, it was a birthdaypost from yesterday, she turned 18. And he liked it.

I find this strange since she was underage, and he liked her picture turning 18, as a 23-year old. This makes me wonder how they met, and why they exchanged socials. They started following each other about half a year ago. My bf goes out a lot, and she is from a town close to the city we live in, but he is from another part of the country and he has been living here since about 8/9 months.

To be clear: The only thing I am worried about is the age thing. What would you guys do and would you be alarmed as well?

Thank you in advance!!

Tl;dr My boyfriend followes and likes pictures of an underaged girl on instagram and I want to confront him about it.

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