i (20F) noticed something weird and narcissistic about myself. every time i dont get attention from people around me, i get super mad and it might even get to the point where I hold grudges against a person.

it could be as simple as them not making eye contact with me when we pass each other or in group conversations. i would immediately think they don’t like me or are mad at me. Even in class, when the teacher give attention to a specific student, i get jealous and bitter. and I swear to God, a small voice inside me would say ‘ how dare they not give me attention’.

it’s like I’m chronically addicted to attention!

its terrible and messing with my self-esteem and mental well-being as well as ruining my relationships with people around me. i feel like a spoiled brat. So if u have an advice or anything that could help me get rid of this other than therapy, don’t hesitate to share.

Ps: i was raised by a narcissistic mother and have daddy issues.

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