So I’m 24M, about to have sex with my girlfriend (21F) for the first time. We’ve been together for around a year and we’ve finally decided we’re both ready for it (it’s common in my place to wait). However I’ve been feeling a bit stressed because I’ve lost a lot of weight recently, hadn’t been working out consistently (gotta get back to it), and i look really slim with no broad shoulders or definition or muscles, i also have a tiny bit belly and a lot of chest hair.

I’m wondering do women generally care about visual satisfaction from the guys body during missionary, not in a night stand situation but more in a relationship? I’ve been feeling a bit insecure about it, could be also because i grew up in an environment where I never felt accepted (lots of comments from family etc), and also because i’ve experienced body shaming from ex. Would appreciate any opinions… thanks.

Edit: A comment pointed out how women might focus more on eyes during missionary, and as my girlfriend finds my face handsome and my eyes particularly alluring (in her words) – that kinda makes me feel better!


  1. She will find you sexy no matter what. My man thinks he’s fat, but I don’t see it. To me he’s the sexiest man ever existed. Don’t overthink it, be confident (or pretend to be).

  2. if she has your dick inside of her, I don’t think she cares.

    Also, if you feel a little insecure, get on top during sex, cuddle up where you can kiss her and/or have your head be able to rest on her shoulder as she can rest her head on yours and go to pound town. If you do a real good job, like make her cum at least once, two or three times if you got it in you. From that point on, you don’t have to ever worry about your physique so much.

  3. You’ve been together a year. She knows what you look like. She’s likely just as concerned what you think of her body.

  4. I have literally never thought about a guy’s body when he’s on top of me, besides thoughts like, “I love his dick.”

  5. She knows what you look like. I promise. And still wants you all the same.

    Be careful and have fun!

  6. Just enjoy the moment and try to push ths negative thoughts out of your head.

  7. She’s never seen you without a t shirt? That would be a good start. Maybe take baby steps together.

  8. Of course. We all have aesthetic preferences. But I can tell you that it doesn’t matter as much as you think and one persons idea of a desirable body is not another persons ideal body. I would still enjoy being intimate with my husband if he had a different body shape. I am sure you are cuter than you think you are.

  9. If she’s wanting to have sex with you then she likes what she’s seeing. Try and not think negatively in the moment but if that’s too hard then flip her over and fuck her from the back.

  10. I care but if I’m having sex with someone then I know what they look like, and want to have sex with them regardless. So she knows you’ve lost weight and all that stuff. Personally, I enjoy a man’s body when he’s on top of me or just in general. I like shoulders, arms, hands, etc. and I do notice those things and find them visually stimulating. But again, she wants to fuck you, so try not to get in your head about it.

  11. In missionary style, I think women find it particularly sexy and emotionally connecting when they look into their partner’s eyes.

    I personally like feeling my partner’s belly on me, even if they have a bit of a soft belly/gut. I don’t know why, I just find it comfortable/comforting. I also have a bit of a belly, so it might be about the softness of both our bodies together.

    It’s also nice in missionary style to be able to rest your bodies together with your heads in each other’s necks – you can say things to each other and hear each other breathe. You can keep your eyes closed and focus on other sensations besides the physical appearance of your partner.

    I can’t stress enough how nice the closeness of your bodies can be in missionary. Kissing, whispering things to each other, and just having the sensation of touch are all incredibly powerful.

  12. Women care about how you make them feel, once you make her addicted she is yours always

  13. I have never had a negative thought about my partner’s body because I love him, and ESPECIALLY during sex I am extremely focused on how sexy he is to me and how good he feels. She knows what you look like.. she’s having sex with you. relax 🙂

  14. My boyfriend doesn’t tense as much during missionary- I still think he’s the hottest man alive. He looks primal and looking into his eyes during it is like drinking a shot from the worlds finest bar.

    Don’t sweat it man, if she thinks you’re hot already missionary will only amplify it.

  15. “Wow he’s hot” and “This feels amazing, how is he doing that” is generally all I’m thinking about

    If a woman is naked with you, big chance she likes how you look

  16. When I get to the point of wanting to sleep with someone, I have this understanding that we will both be seeing all of each other in a vulnerable way and there’s got to be some grace given to that. By that point, I want to connect with my partner so much more than I want to just connect with their body.

    Obv, the bodies are an important element in physical touch and sex but I tend to see beyond that, to the experience and not the flesh.

  17. No, I tend to close my eyes anyway to get lost in the sensations at that point, but also I like basically all body types.

  18. Definitely love looking at the facial expressions my husband makes when we’re having sex, and eye contact is a huge factor for me as well. I love when he smiles at me or makes faces that show he’s either really enjoying himself or he’s enjoying me enjoying him. He’s definitely gained a bit of a “dad” bod since we started seeing each other years ago. I still think he’s the sexiest guy ever.
    I know it’s easier said than done, but those insecurities don’t have to carry so much weight on you. When you feel good about yourself and the way your body looks, it definitely helps things in the long run. For both you and your partner.
    I’m sure she’s probably wondering some of the same things though.

    For example. I’m not a fan of being on top and neither are a lot of women. We don’t like the way our faces look and often times aren’t a fan of how our breasts and bodies may represent themselves. Though apparently guys think it’s really hot. We think it’s the opposite.

    Anywho … You’ve got this and I’m sure it’s gonna be better than you’re thinking it will be. Especially if you both are really into each other outside of the bedroom. That’s connection only makes it better.

  19. Listen, if I’m blessed enough to have a caring partner who’s pumping inside me, I’m just happy to be there and share that special moment. In those moments, our bodies are just a conduit of sharing a special experience together.

    And yes like others have said, usually the focus is on your eyes and face. But if you feel self conscious keep on making out so she can’t see anything. (This is a silly joke! But helps me as a woman keep from getting self conscious.)

  20. Yep if I look at a guy in missionary I look at the face, the mouth and the eyes 😊 it’s nice to kiss too

    And it’s all about the feeling, less about the looking

    Have fun!!

  21. The only thing I think about is how hot it is that they are thrusting in and out of me because it feels good for us, and also who it what his butt probably looks like jiggling up and down 🤤

  22. I can’t but think it’s absolutely sweet and refreshing to see young people wait for a year. So many stories here about people giving it up quickly and embarrassingly. No, if you’re that good of a guy and in a relationship, she won’t care. She thinks you’re attractive. Trust me

  23. Chest hair and a dad bod is hot af… me and a lot of other women think so. My bf thinks he has a belly but he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, I love him being on top of me, I’m loving every part of his body because he’s connecting with me and giving me the best sex of my life. If she’s into you, she’s loving your body as well and the parts you’re self conscious about are also hot.

  24. I feel like a year in she is probably fine with your body. I wouldn’t worry too much. I am thinking about so much more than what his body looks like (usually my own body…lol) in any position or any time we are intimate. To me the connection we have overrides any of that.

  25. Unless you’re always wearing large coats, she knows you’re skinny. She won’t be expecting Thor.

  26. She’s concentrating on you grinding on her lady parts. Together a year, she must like it.

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