I love my husband so much but I noticed that I have a regular libido and his seems to be out for the count.
In the beginning of our relationship we couldn’t get enough of each other, and yes I know it’s the honeymoon phase but we explored and had an amazing sex life
Throughout the years our regular sex became less and less. Different excuses came out of it. My husband telling me he’s stressed, tired, not feeling confident. When trying to ask if there is anything I can do I was told no and that he loves me and is still attracted to me.
Me trying to spice up our relationship I bought lingerie, bought games, and even bought some sex toys to try and spice things up. Nothing really seemed to help.
Last year I became pregnant and he told me it freaked him out to have sex with our baby inside me. We even went to my dr and they informed him it was perfectly safe. I have gotten to a point where I have lost my confidence and no longer want to initiate for fear of rejection.
after we had our baby and we got through the newborn stage I once again initiated and we did have sex. It was amazing and I thought maybe a fresh start. It’s now been 5 months and I’m just really defeated at this point. I had a sit down talk with my partner and he told me that his adhd makes him feel over touched most days even from our baby so the thought of sex isn’t appealing to him at all. I asked if he could go back to his therapist and see if they could help him with this problem. He was open to going back but at this point I’m so tired of having to ask. I want to feel desired, and loved. I know he loves me but I want to feel pretty again.

Now tonight he wakes up wanting to have sex and I was so excited to do just that. It was the quickest sex I’ve ever had, no foreplay or anything. He finished rolled over and said good night. Now I feel as though he did it so that I can feel “satisfied”. I just am at a loss of what to do. I don’t want to tell him that it wasn’t great and hurt my chances at being intimate but I don’t want to feel unsatisfied in bed either. I love my husband and want our relationship to work because everything else is really great and I couldn’t ask for a better partner. Anybody else struggling with this issue and if so any advice on how to move forward.

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