So here’s my situation. I(23M) have been dating this girl(21F) for about 8 months now. We matched on tinder but we haven’t been able to see each other yet as we both don’t have cars and live 45 mins apart. We have been flirty and what not and our each others number one best friend on snap. In January out of the blue she wanted to split because she felt like she wasn’t good enough for me, so I reluctantly agreed, then the night before the Super Bowl she hit me up asking to get back so I agreed and we picked up right back where we left off. Last week she had me promise her we’d see each other and I promised and she even asked if she could come to my College Graduation in May which I said yes. But as of Thursday Morning she has completely turned distant. And I feel like Im forcing most of the conversation and most of the answers are one word answers and when I texted goodnight I got goodnighttt and when I texted good morning I got the same thing. And today we were snapping but she hasn’t hit me up since lunch time but I know she’s been active because she’s posted stuff to her story and she’s been active on FB. I’m thinking about giving it the weekend to see if she brings the spark back before pulling the trigger and breaking up. I love this girl to pieces and still have feelings and she’s even talked about marriage even as late as Tuesday, but it’s not worth it to me if I’m pulling all the weight in the relationship and today I’ve started to envision what my future would be like without her in it. Thanks in advance for the advice and sorry if there’s bad grammar😂.

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