Me and my gf are a couple since December 2023 and I once looked through her phone and one month before we talked I found that she talked with a guy 2-3 weeks before we met.
I saw that she wrote to a friend that this guy has the perfect dick, like literally the perfect dick and she said how big he is and that it’s perfect and that they have such a good connection and a 5 hour phone call feels like 10 minutes .
She also said that whenever he messaged her she was so excited and that whenever he didn’t message her she was sad and one time even cried because he didn’t answered for 2 days.
She also said she felt like she was in love with him.
When he suddenly ghosted her, she was wrote her friend that she was so sad.
When I asked her “secretly” how was phone calling with did it feel like 20 minutes when we had a phone call for 3-4 hours she said no and I also if she was also excited when I messaged her she said no, it was normal and when I didn’t message her it didn’t affect her.
Obviously she doesn’t know taht I know his name but I mentioned it and she was getting weiird and I asked her what’s wrong and she said she has bad memories wiht the name and I said you wanna talk about it, she answered no.
Few minutes later I asked her if she isn’t over this guy if she can’t talk about him, she said of course I’m not over him and then the topic changed.
Am I just insecure because she said his dick is perfect, even though he’s only 2 cm larger or do you guys think that she still might have feelings for him?
Btw it was the only and last time I looked through her phone and it was months ago which doesn’t better but it’s something at least.
Thanks for the help
Edit: she still has the text in her notes which she sent him. Idk if that means something.
And one friend messaged her and asked how is it going wiht the guy and she told she’s wiht me but she never really said to anybody except 4 People that’s she’s wiht me. The 4 people are her closest friends and her sister but I the other people she only told them about me when they asked how is it going wiht her ex, then she said she’s with me now. Except 2 friends she told those friends that she’s wiht me.

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