My 2 year boyfriend want his mom to live with us
I need an advice, my relationship was long distance and tbh it has been really hard for me to get use to that but I love him and I did my best and wait patiently, a few months ago we decided to go to the next step in the relationship and decided to live together, I was staying with him in his apartment that went to our apartment after that decision, we just started to have a more committed relationship and just enjoy our company and starting to enjoy a more normal relationship, I didn’t see him for one month for personal maters but when I came back his mother was living with him in our apartment, he never asked for my opinion or anything just happened, I thought that when I came back she will be able to understand and notice we needed our space, but no 😢 he wants her mother to live with us because he says he needs to take care or her, she’s in good health and I don’t think that’s normal and healthy for our relationship that we were just starting to enjoy like a normal couple, he’s 35 and he is not an only son, his relationship with her mother is very close and I feel she wants to control his decisions, I feel like a shadow when I am with them, yesterday I talked with both and told them I didn’t feel comfortable and his mom just told me: I’m his mom he needs to take care of me, I really love him but this is beyond me and I don’t know what to do 😞

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