I went to the mall with my girlfriend and there was a board game event where anyone could sit at the tables and try out the games. We tested some for a few hours, everything would have been fun if it weren’t for the fact that she ogled a guy who was sitting at a table nearby, for 2 HOURS in front of me, without stopping or trying to hide it.

At first I thought I was imagining things, as she had never done anything like that before (two months of dating), but I started testing to see if I was cr4zy. I started pretending to look at my phone and at the same moment I looked at her face, and there she was, ogling the guy, smiling, playing with her hair.

It wasn’t once, twice or three times, I lost count! She didn’t stop doing this for TWO HOURS. I was in shock, I didn’t even know how to react, I couldn’t believe it, I was completely in love and she seemed to be too, I didn’t know what to do and at the time I didn’t even say anything.

Just in the following days I sent her a message saying that it had bothered me and that I felt very disrespected. As a result, she called me cr4zy, said I was disrespecting her by accusing her of “flirting” with someone else, said I needed to “heal” myself and threatened to break up if I continued to accuse her.

I felt disrespected twice, first because she ogled the guy for hours and second because she didn’t admit it and still made me the “villain” of the story.

This reminded me of more than 10 years ago when I was 16 years old and I went to a friend’s (lets call her Bella) birthday, her cousin was there, gorgeous, ogling me, laughing at any nonsense I said, etc. but the detail: she had her baby on her lap and her husband’s cuck0ld by her side… The poor guy had a look of desperation and depression upon witnessing what she was doing that it seemed like he was going to throw himself off a bridge when he left the party… That made a big impression on me. I remember his face to this day. The worst part was Bella coming to tell me that her cousin wanted to lie to her husband that she would go to the bathroom so she could kiss me… This traumatized me (obviously I didn’t make out with her).

So, am I cr4zy, did I see something that didn’t exist for TWO HOURS? What would you do in my situation? I don’t want to date a “Bella’s cousin”, I have no inclination to be a cuck0ld. Should I break up with her?

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