Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Good Morning to everyone!

    Nice, sunny day in Sicily.This is the best part of the year for the weather (for me anyway!)… not too hot or humid yet,blue skies and sun.Temperature should be around 24-25° later today.

    My sister and her family arrive here tomorrow, will be good to see them.Last time we met was 6 months ago.

    Do you have brothers and sisters? If so,do you see them regularly?

  2. We had a pizza party for a pregnant coworker yesterday. It looks like we maybe down a person soon.

  3. The escape room yesterday was a lot of fun, even though we were only one puzzle away from solving it when we ran out of time. Everyone I was with had been to their first escape room last month in Florida, which they said was more difficult but had a more active game master regularly nudging them via intercom, wheras this place seemed to have only one watching over every game.

    Also yesterday I saw a sign for a raffle at one of the churches in my neighborhood where the grand prize was a trip to the 2025 Kentucky Derby chauffered by limousine. I wonder if that church also sells indulgences. xD

  4. Have you ever heard of Russian sleeper agents? They’re spy agents who attempt to mimic an average unassuming person in the country they’re spying in for potentially a decade or more. This allows to to stay undetected compared to spies with diplomatic cover.

    Sometimes, they have children with each other to maintain the fantasy that they’re a normal unassuming family. Obviously, they have to lie to their children about who they really are to maintain their cover. Allegedly, some try to recruit their children into being “second generation illegals.” If the spy lived in the US or Canada, then technically the children will have US or Canadian citizenship due to Jus Soli which makes deporting them a tricky prospect for the governments here. There was a court case involving one such Canadian child named Tim Foley a few years ago. It would be strange to find out your parents are something much different than what they’ve presented themselves as to you as a teenager or young adult.

  5. I am usually quite political, but my talking about politics goes up by about 250% when I am with my mom. Sometimes we fire each other up so much that the debates get very heated. Luckily we don’t disagree (or just about minor points) so we still get along well, but I do need to reign stuff in every so often or change the topic so that we don’t only talk about politics. I am happy that she’s doing so much better now. She lost a lot of weight and has regained a ton of mobility. I am hoping that it’ll even get better as she does more sports in summer.  

    My husband said that he sowed peas in our garden today. Here, peas are already in season (in fact I need to shell some for dinner) . It’s crazy how different the agricultural year is between different countries, or even different parts of Turkey.

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