What is your thoughts about parents, which have 5-10 kids?

  1. ‘That must be expensive to maintain’

    ‘I wonder how much food they go through per week’

    ‘How much must their electricity and water bills be?’

    ‘Do they find it difficult to get space and private time?’

    ‘That dad has some insane potency.’

    ‘That mum has experienced more physical pain than I probably will in my whole life.’

  2. My aunt and uncle have 12 kids. They were going to stop at ten but the last ‘one’ turned out to be triplets lol. They’re all great.

  3. Mormon or Catholic. Having had two and wishing we had three (got too old) the logistics of getting everyone around or even going out to dinner are daunting. You’re probably not flying anywhere on vacation and it probably doesn’t make sense for both parents to work because of daycare costs. The other parent better have a good job.

  4. My ex was one of ten. Her dad was a nurse. I have no idea how they did it on a single income. Pretty happy family, overall, but I could kind of tell that her folks were looking for the finish line.

  5. Thought `1: They need to find a hobby.
    Thought 2: Never mind, I think they found one…

  6. My dad is the oldest of ten. My grandparents own a large farm so I guess it made sense to create their own workforce.

  7. Irresponsible if they do it without the resources and forethought. Can’t stand family’s that pass the responsibility of the young children on their older ones. With the resources, cute and happy for those kids having such a wide family network.

  8. I know a girl that releases multiple eggs per cycle. At 20 she became pregnant with triplets and people just figured it was a one in a million shot and don’t think anything of it. 2 years later BC fails and she’s pregnant with quadruplets, that’s when the problem was diagnosed. She had her tubes tied.

  9. I’m from a family of 6.

    We are extremely similar to any other family. I’m the oldest, and it really wasn’t that bad. More arguing maybe, but when there’s more people present to disagree that is bound to happen.

  10. I ask myself why because of the current state of the world and where its headed

  11. My parents did it. Most people I tell are surprised and wonder if it’s all with the same woman. I just wonder how they ever had enough privacy to ever have sex when kids are constantly waking up and getting into their bed at night

  12. My thoughts in order:

    What the fuck do you do for a living?

    How young did you start?

    Hope you’re able to spend time with them.

    Are you Mormon/Catholic/Evangelical?

    I assume you host holiday parties.

  13. I think there is no possible way they can correctly tend to the emotional needs of each child throughout their lives

  14. Grew up with four sisters. As the only boy it was alot of work for my parents. We have fun.

  15. im from a family of 6 kids. its chaos, nothing was ever clean as a kid, everything was fair game, you had no privacy. there is no way you can care for 5+ children yourself, and its not ok to make your older children parent the younger. if you cant take care of the kids you have, dont have more.

  16. ‘They must have a lot of f*cking money or none at all and I can’t work out which one’

  17. If they have the means both financially and emotionally what the hell, go for it.

    Me? I don’t even know if I want kids yet so that sounds like actual torture.

    I knew family who had ten kids through typical birth and then ADOPTED an eleventh. Those kids definitely never have to wonder if they were wanted lol

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