I primarily mean in a setting where you may see each other often. Like class, work, a cafe you both frequent, etc.

There’s a woman at the gym that showed hints of interest probably close to over a year ago now that I thought was beautiful but I never made a move. Of course she’s lost interest, but how quickly does this usually occur?

After one time of seeing each other and you don’t express interest in her, does she normally move on? A couple days? A week?

EDIT: it’s probably important to clarify as well that I mean in the very very initial stages, before y’all even say a word to each other. Like if there’s indicators of interest from her in body language and whatnot, but you never initiate conversation.

  1. with me, it usually occurs as soon as I say something along the lines of going out.. then she is gone

  2. Well if it’s a long time ago she most likely forgot about is unless her body language said something else. Just don’t think to hard on it as men usually mistake friendliness as flirting. “There’s a study on this somewhere” now.. if you continued to greet her when you saw her and she slowly started to talk more and more to you then it could mean she just enjoys the company/conversation but doesn’t want anything more than that. I know when I meet people are the gym the are for the most part friendly, don’t look at this like I’m putting you down just don’t read too much into it, maybe ask her subtle questions or just try and get along as friends and see what happens.

  3. We are goldfish. If we aren’t looking directly at you, we forget you exist.

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