I cant go outside without being insulted & harassed & bullied by multiple people(it happens everyday).

Here is what happened today: waiting for bus bus 3 old women are laughing at me saying “look at her” and “should we tell her” (idk what they mean by should we tell her by the way, i dont know what waa unusual.).
Man sat next to me on bench talking to himself saying “she is weird” (i am the only one there and he is looking at me its obvious he is talking about me). On bus another guy who is about my age talking to himself saying insulting things about me saying i am weird and kept shouting at me called me “thing in the jumper” the saying horrible things. Then walking home group of guys made a pig noise (funny caude i am fat so obviously i am a pig).

This happens everyday. I come home everyday and cry myself to sleep and just wish i was dead because of how people treat me. I dont do anything wrong, i just mind my own buisness & look at the ground when i am walking (i dont even look at people) but still they hate me & act scared of me. I dont even know why.

And here are some more examples of what happens every time i go out;

Bus drivers always are rude to me but nice to everyone else, once i asked for my ticket the guy straight up told me no (for no reason he was just being rude)

Also some of the bus drivers i see regulary, when i am sat at the bus stop waiting to go home, i see them talking to eachother and when i am sat there they insult me and shout at me (saying this like; look its her, look at the size of her).
Went to the shops guy told me “you look like shit” and started laughing with his friends
Always get comments like “look at her face” and insulting things about my appearance (i am extremely ugly i know).

Last year went on holiday and went to buy some ice cream, lady at counter tells me :you cant have that wer ae not serving people like you”.

Walking home, group of adults (both men and women) looked at me and burst out laughing the guh said “look at her” “omg what is that” (they were full growm adults acting like teenagers)

Went in subway recenlty and the man working there called me a bitch.

Walking to bus stop again a man swears at me says “fucking hell you look like a whore” and starts shotuing “that girl is a whore”

Last week i went to buy a gift for my sister, two woman at the counter gave me the diritest looks and refused to serve me

At restaurant, couple next to me, the man points to me and says “look at her face’ and the woman says “dont say that i am sure they are nice…”

In high school everyday i would get people insulting my apperance and calling me aft and ugly.

I always get the same comments as well “look at her” “what is that” “why does she look like that” and calling me fat.

Went to supermarket two girls followed me around the entite time i was in the store yelling at me and insulting me (the cashier guy saw it but didnt do anything either)

Couple weeks ago i was again walking home a group of men said to me “i am going to fucking stab you” then started following me home

Two incidnets where i am on bus, one two girls take a picture or me while laughing. And another time it was guys this time talking to eachother and then take a picture or me saying “what is that”.

On a walks girls wouldnt stop harasisng me theb followed me home while shouting at me

Another time i was on a walk guy told i “had the creepiest face he had ever seen or i was the creepiest girl he had ever seen” (something a long those lines) and said that i looked “uncanny valley and not even human”

why cant people mind their own fucking buisness?.

i am an outcast and easy target in every situation i am in. people mock, insult, laugh at me everyday. I always get abused in the street and out in public. and i am always left out of things, nobody wants to be arohnd me. i think he cause of all this is because i am extremely unattractive. being an ugly girl is awful, people treat you like you are worth nothing and to them you are just a miserable sad joke. i have been extremely ugly my entire life since childhood and no amount of makeup or losing weight will help me. my face is just so hideous and weird and my features are masculine i dont even look like a girl. i have a masculine flat body with no curves, my boobs already sag like i am an old woman, i have no butt and my body has no shape to it. i have extremely pale skin and blue veins all over my body and fat flabby thighs. as disgsuting as my body is my face is even worse. i have a huge big crooked nose, small eyes that are always so wide open i look like i am on drugs (also have a lazy eye), my face shape is too big and manly, my forehead is huge and hairline is receeding, and my lips are tiny making my face look manly. my skin is awful, always looks greasy no matter how many times i wash it and i am so pale i am literally as white as a corpse. also i have ugly freckles all over my face.

when i say i am ugly i genuinely mean it, if i ever talk about my looks in front of people they get awkward and dont deny it.  i am the ugliest girl i have ever seen people dont even know if i am a guy or girl – i try to dress feminine but it does not help because my body is so box shaped and boyish. i dont feel like a real girl instead i feel like a creature. i am invisible to everyone and i only exist for people to insult and belittle. i have never been hit on (flirted with), cat called, complimented, had a first kiss, lost my virginity, or had a boyfriend (i am 17 but almost 18 now). people never approach me first unless it is to insult me and mock me.
when i am not being teased or mocked then people just avoid me, and if i try to talk to someone they will ignore me or give me blunt short answers. even when i am walking down the street people cross and go the other way as soon as they see me. everybody either is rude to me or ignores my existence. i am always looked over, and left out in every situation.

i am literally laughed at when i go outside, many times people have pointed and laughed at me or i get people who stare at me then say insulting things about me. my entire existence is just a joke to everyone.

i always get dirty looks, insults, from people. i cant leave my house for a few minutes without hate from others. i am an easy target to people because of how hideous i am. and i am constantly harassed, picked on, laughed at, and insulted.

even my own family ignores me in public and leaves me out to walk behind them when they are together, they literally pretend they dont know me and my parents said they are embrassed to be seen with me.

i dont leave my house unless i have to now because i am so ashamed of my looks, also i never leave my house without wearing a covid mask because i am scared people will see my face. and when i do leave my house, even though i am wearing a mask that covers most of my face, people still give me looks of disgust.

i am so tired of people saying it is so easy for girls to get guys and people saying girls have it easier. its not true if you’re ugly. guys never acknowledge my presence unless its to make mean jokes or to insult me. i was bullied all through out school and highschool for my apperance and nothing has changed, people are still so rude and mean to me everywhere i go. i try to avoid eye contact or looking at people so i dont weird them out because i look so hideous and creepy, but people still seem scared and uncomfortable around me even when i am just minding my own buisness.

some days i try to dress up but it doesnt matter in the end, people still treat me the same. it is obvious how differently and badly people treat me compared to others. i experience people be direct and blunt with me yet still be so nice and friendly with other people. i feel like i dont even deserve respect from anybody. its like i am always get targerted for people to use as their punching bag.

i feel like i give off bad vibes to people. people are so rude to me it does not even matter what i am doing. i always get yelled at, followed, threatened, and i have had people take pictures of me.

i swear there has never been an time where a stranger has been nice to me or given me a compliment.

i leaving my house sends me into a panic attack, that with the fact that people love to hate me makes me loathe going outside. i cant even talk to people without shaking and suttering or just freezing up and going mute.

I hate myself so much and just go through my days feeling empty, numb, unmovtiavted and useless. i feel like i deserve everything bad that happens.

I want to die so bad. I cry everyday.

  1. This is absolutely horrible. You don’t deserve this. I am so sorry. People can be awful and terrible, and I just don’t understand it.

    I doubt you look ugly. But some people feel the need to insult and degrade others to help themselves feel better.

    Hugs. And for the people of the world who would never do this? I’m so sorry.

  2. I’m sorry you’re going through this, you don’t deserve this, and I understand your feelings because I went through similar experience, even though not at that level.

    Fuck them!

    Focus or yourself, what can you do to improve yourself? Physically and mentally.

  3. I know this is easier said than done but it seems like you really dwell on negative experiences. You’re cataloging them and revisiting them. I know it hurts but you have to have a short memory about these things. Stop focusing on looks and focus on health. Physical health and mental health. The two are often intertwined. Focus on being the best person you can be.

    Stretch, exercise, eat well, drink a lot of water, meditate, read. It will take longer than you think it will but I promise things will get easier once you focus accomplish more in life and focus on those accomplishments and new goals.

    If you have a goal in mind and work towards that goal, (finishing a book, learning to code, running a mile, touching your toes) it will take time but everything else will just end up being noise. You’re very young and have so much time in front of you. Use that time to get healthy and strong. Everything else will slowly fall into place if you can shift your focus. It is not easy but it can be done and you can do it.

  4. This is unacceptable! Those people doesn’t have a right to call you that! They’re so discourteous and irrational. Your parents suppose to make you feel loved and valued, but they aren’t. Their behavior is unethical and iniquitous!

    Beautiful face, curvy body or huge chest doesn’t make someone attractive. Having that kind of body or face doesn’t give any privilege to be treated ‘MORE’ nicely. Everyone should be treated nicely and fairly, not just the person whom they think appealing to their eyes! This unfair!

    Don’t mind them. Being beautiful or attractive isn’t always on physical appearance, dear. It is always on yourself— your nature, personality, behavior and etc. Don’t let their negative comments destroy you. Let’s just hope they’ll learn their lesson!
    Appreciate and praise yourself everyday, and take care of your self-esteem. It will make you look attractive. Those people are irrational and rude, they only lower your self-esteem and confidence. So, don’t listen to them. Ignore them. Those fools doesn’t deserve any of your time. Always take care of yourself self and mental health. If you need someone to talk to, I’m may not be a good advicer but I’m a good listener. Take care❤️! ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL, GIRL❤️!!

  5. Girl you need to get out of there, get a fresh start where no one knows you. But the moment you move to the new place, you also need to change your own attitude towards yourself.

    I know it’s hard when you have been verbally abused all your life, and you have internalized the abuse and are so horribly critical of yourself.

    You need to learn to love and accept yourself. Because you are just as worthy of love as the next person. And once you internalize this love of yourself, the comments from other people will not hurt you any more. Believe me, it worked for me. And then those comments will ebb off.

    Please watch this short [video](https://youtu.be/bZkSNblaRA4) (repeatedly).

  6. Sorry, I didn’t read the whole post. But if I was your dad is be going full Will Smith on the whole neighborhood.

  7. The way you describe your physical appearance is 100% negative to the point of being necessarily untrue. You have no curves, but saggy boobs? Boobs are curves, no matter how low they are.

    I agree with the commenter who said you need mental health services. To live with that much negativity when you look in the mirror is a terrible burden. Go to a doctor, girl.

  8. I understand exactly where you are coming from. And the first step is to understand you aren’t alone. The world is a cruel place. And none of us chose the life we have. You don’t deserve to feel this way because of things you can’t control. I’m here if you would like to just chat. You can reply to my comment, dm me. Whatever you would like. But there are people out there who will value you for you. I promise. Be safe and take care of yourself.

  9. This did not happen. Please seek professional help. And I mean that in the most loving way possible.

  10. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I’ve seen this post for what has to be the third or fourth time now. I don’t know what you’re expecting each time you post this OP, there’s been tons of great comments that have tried to help.

  11. This is not possible. Post a picture of your face, and we’ll see if something is wrong

  12. I’m really sorry you have such pain from the way you feel and the way people treat you. No one should feel so bad and so alone.

    I was talking to my niece about beauty the other day. I told her that someone is beautiful to me when I feel happy to see them.

    I hope you find good, wonderful people in your life who will be happy to see you.

  13. I think you should try to find a therapist or another professional to talk to, OP

  14. Getting a therapist will be so, so, helpful! People that can benefit from therapy the most are often scared or reluctant to start but it could change your entire life for the better. Please, please, please, find a therapist you can talk to about this in person. Not strangers on the internet.

  15. Seems unbelievable…adults really don’t really care that much about you. You’re not that important to them. They have their own struggles to worry about. If you’re extremely obese, you may get some looks but nobody is going to hate you so intensely.

    If you had said you were a teenager and being bullied relentlessly by your peers, it might’ve been more believable.

  16. Which country do you live in? I highly doubt you would receive such treatment in the US. Eastern Europe perhaps? Most commenters are from the US and cannot wrap their heads around this type of treatment as it would not happen there.

  17. I don’t care how ugly you are… Multiple strangers aren’t going to be that horrible towards you.

  18. If you’ve got the money, go to therapy, it’ll help you more than you can imagine!

    I really hope you’ll go, but chances are you won’t. I didn’t go when I needed help, but it would have helped immensely. I went to therapy much later and it helped me figure out what was wrong and what I could do to fix it.

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