For context myself (32f) and my Partner (33m) have been together for 4 years. In the time we’ve been together I’d calculate he has tried to cheat on me like 10+ times with different women – from people he knows to sex workers. The most recent being when I was 2 months pregnant with our son (at least that I know of). I don’t think he’s been successful in finishing the job, but the attempts are there.
I found out because he was relatively rubbish at hiding it. His WhatsApp and messenger were basically a catalogue of infidelity and the fool linked them to my computer so when I was using it got alert after alert.
We both grew up as children of divorce, so when I was pregnant with our son I made the decision to give him a 2nd chance for the sake of our son’s upbringing.
A decision I regret.
I haven’t been able to see past it. 1 year has gone by and I’m still sick with anger and disgust.
I can’t commit to the promise of a 2nd chance anymore but if I pull the plug, then I’m the one who ended our “family” because it was “so long ago” as he’s put it.

Can you ever get over cheating? Can you successfully gain back trust? How?

*I guess the things that hurt the most is A) not feeling wanted, B) being lied to and C) the lack of respect.
In addition his career path is pilot, so like there will be times he’s away from the family, and I don’t have any trust left in the tank.*

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