I went through a horrendous clinical depression where my loved ones literally dragged me out of my bed for my own good. It has been the most difficult phase of my life. I’m way better but during those dark times, I did nothing but cry and eat in my bed. I’m 6´3, 28 years old, and I went from 175 to 280 pounds over that period. I’ve since gotten way better after hard work and treatment but my weight has been the only and last thing I haven’t worked on yet. I’m happier and way more stable, able to work again, and I’m slowly rebuilding my life but my self-confidence with this new body is almost non-existent.
I wear the biggest clothes I can find. I went from a 32 to waist to a 44.
When I was skinnier, I still felt really unconfident since I felt a weird pressure to be really fit to be liked by guys but I was always just not toned. If I had a shaky confidence when I was lighter, now being overweight I feel like I literally can’t make a move on a guy. It might sound dumb but I’ve been getting hornier but I just feel like I won’t be liked at all and I won’t even try.
I’m a gay man btw.
I have to admit that I’m turned on by really skinny guys myself, so there’s that extra layer of me not being hot even by my own standards like I wouldn’t have sex with me if I was someone else. IDK. It’s weird, but I want to learn but putting it out there. Any advice?

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