Maybe I think differently to others and I want to know what’s normal.


I visited another country to transfer to another flight the day after. I got to the airport at 6am and although the business class lounge was open, they said that my flight can only be used 4 hours before.

I’m not one for spendings hours in a lounge getting as much free stuff as possible and I also didn’t realize the time restrictions and didn’t have money left to buy anything, so I asked if I can have a bottle of water.

When she came back with one, I said sorry because I didn’t want to bother her too much but she just stared and paused, so it made me want to repeat that I had no money left.

Her tone is a bit sarcastic when she said “it’s okay” or like when you think they are weird and don’t know what the f they are talking about lol, at least I know that much. I don’t want people to think i’m weird (at least for the 1st time i explained it) just for stating a reason for asking something that’s not the routine although surely people have asked for water before.

Anyway later when i come back i hear them gossiping about me and not having cash and that it’s a story.

The other staff laughed. I don’t know anymore than that because they mixed their language and only said those two words.

The canteen staff definitely knew too as they were whispering.

I feel like i should be punished by everyone for some reason, I don’t know why, I mean if I worked there I wouldn’t be bothered by such a question to be honest.

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