So me 25M have a GF 25F we have a really solid relationship and are happy. We both want to start af life together, moving in together, priotizing each other etc. Our first obstacle was her parents 55~ and sister 23~ who was ‘over protective’ towards my GF. Trying to set soft ultimatums to make me the bad guy. Her sister called me lovebomber, were abusive in language and refused me to visit GF. I let that go and suggested to get to know each other and have more conversations, that ended ugly and the sister refused this. My GF got really sad about this and suggested i kept trying, after 3-4 months of being bad mouthed and ridicouled with being in sisters words ‘ugly’, ‘lovebomber’, and puking noices when i kissed or told my GF i loved her. I tried standing my ground with my GF to tell her sister to stop being abusing, that ended in an ultimatum with my GF parents telling me to apoligize to start over with the sister. Being told by sister and parents that i “loved my self higher than my GF”. Now my GF have temporarily moved in with me to stay together. Meaning i havent seen the sister for about a month, now the sister is emotional abusive against my GF, where they tend to conflict over sister in law being extremely selfish which hurts my GF a lot… my GF being passively told to pick her sister over me, even though i think i have done nothing wrong but trying to love my GF and taking care of her. What should i do? My head and body are taking a toll on the amount of stress, this sister is taking on our relationship. I dont want my GF to keep getting sad by the abuse, but her parents nor sister takes my GF side or sees her side of the story. I dont want my GF to pick me, but i have tried everything possible to get their good will, but the abusing on my GF and me is kinda ruining the relationship. My GF knows this is over our limit mentally, but we cant pick her family off?

How should i move on from here? Should i put up with the abuse? Or should i try and tell my GF she needs to push them away for a bit and focus on us? My GF keeps telling me like i tell her that we hope and feel this is an forever thing with marriage kids etc and we feel like we are each others “the one”?

I kinda need to have the sister too stop abusing me and my GF. But her parents protects their daugther, although the rest of her family (and mine) sees the abuse and tak
es our side…

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