I’m curious, have you ever been in the situation where one of your friendships/relationships has run its course?

If the answer is yes, do you think it is possible to ever have another relationship with the same person, even if it happens months, years or even decades later? Has it personally happened to you? Please understand that I’m not talking about cases where people break up because of arguments, fights, differences or betrayal. I’m talking about those cases where a relationship can go well and then end for no apparent reason, you simply don’t “feel” it anymore. I am curious about your experiences, please feel free to share your story.

  1. Met my (now) husband while on the rebound from an engagement. We had fun, but that’s all we were looking for at the time. Ended up ending it and just cut ties. About a year or so later he messaged me and we started hanging out again, just as friends. No sex at all. Ended up flatting together out of convenience and within a month we were dating. Been together 6 years next month, married for 3 with a 3.5yo and one on the way.

  2. I’ve had a couple of situations like this. My first boyfriend when I was 15/16 was good, we started out as good friends and we had some fun with each other, but despite how good friends we were everything kind of fell flat and our relationship came to a natural close at 9 months. I did find out a week later that he had kissed another girl just before he broke up with me, but honestly it didn’t bother me purely because we had already fallen out of infatuation with each other by that point and I think we both knew the relationship was ending anyway, I say infatuation because it wasn’t love, it was definitely that childhood crush type thing.

    We tried staying close friends but by the time we got to college we weren’t really that close anymore and became more casual acquaintances, however after I got back from uni a few years later he and I reconnected. We were still living very close to each other and he invited me to hang out with him and some mutual friends of ours at our local pub where we really started rekindling our friendship. We started hanging out more one to one and (after I’d had a train wreck of a relationship in uni) he helped me realise that I could have some fun and so we started hooking up. It didn’t even really get that serious, more just some intense makeout sessions, but it was a lot of fun and after he found someone he was really interrested in, we stopped things and have continued to be good friends.

    I certainly wasn’t expecting that to happen with him, so I don’t know what you want to take away from this, but I would say always expect the unexpected!

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