Up until two weeks ago, I (31M) had been seeing two girls for a couple of years: S (26F) and J (24F). These were basically FWB type arrangements (at least at first). I understand this might come across as immoral, but I want to make it clear that I wasn’t lying or deceiving either of them. With both of them, we hadn’t talked about exclusive up until two weeks ago. There were even talks about “being careful if sleeping with other people”.

Eventually, I developed feelings for both of them (duh!), and they did for me as well. Two weeks ago, I had a conversation with S where we admitted our feelings with each other. We decided to be exclusive and be together.

I then had a tough conversation over the phone with J, where I told her I couldn’t see her anymore. It was obviously the right choice, but it made us both really sad. The “break-up” conversation got emotional and we admitted our feelings for each other as well. This added to my sadness because in a way I felt that this constituted as emotional cheating, since I am now with S. I specifically avoided seeing J in person though since that would be crossing the line.

S picked up on my sadness and the fact that I am feeling “distant”. So now I’m wondering – should I be honest and tell her what happened with J? Or is it none of her business and I should keep it to myself?

tl;dr was seeing two girls, started being exclusive with one of them so I broke it off with the other. My now girlfriend picked up on me being sad about it so I’m wondering if I should tell her or if it’s not her business

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