Okay so, I’m being offered full scholarship to a Christian Univeristy ($18k). I like this University and it has amazing programs. The thing is that I like having/being in a relationship, this includes having sexual acts, i’m not talking about one night stands or drunk sex. But inside these “regulations” that i found from this Univeristy, it states that engaging in or advocating engagement in sexually immoral acts or lifestyles is not permitted.

My question is, is this actually a thing? Can they prohibit me from having a sexual life?

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  2. Yes, there is a legal exception that allows churches to discriminate however they wish exclusive of civil courts in matters of religion — so if the church’s university has a policy on sexual ethics, it will interpret it. That said, I would not worry to much about strict enforcement— it’s one thing to have rules and another to enforce said rules — sexual contact is (usually) a private matter so unless you are having group sex on the main quad with an audience, I wouldn’t worry. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)

  3. This is more of a question for the university and the location of this university than an /r/sex question.

    Purity rule questions aside, sexual assault has been a big problem for school’s across the globe.

    Can they prohibit you? What they can’t see/aren’t told they can’t really do anything about.

  4. If you’re a hardcore Christian, why are you having “immoral” sex?

    If you don’t find anything immoral about extramarital sex, why go to a Christian school that polices it?

  5. Having gone to one of these universities, you sign a “covenant” but if you aren’t dumb about it it’s really hard to enforce. I think there were fines/public service for those that got caught (usually alcohol)

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