16m, only have 3 true friends who are in a wider friendship group i don’t really associate with because surprise; they all think i’m a freak as well. it’s starting ti get to me because i only do things ti get a laugh out if people and brighten the mood, even though it never does. i always do weird, strange things when i’m out with my friends like i’d randomly start barking or express an opinion that is deemed socially strange. there’s also been instances of me being recorded doing strange stuff. for example, i got given 0r4l in a toilet and someone jumped over and recorded it and it got sent everywhere. same thing also happened again. i also “did a moonie” on top of a car. this is basically when you get ur behind out. this was recorded as well and i’m not liked by most becuase of this and i’m that one kid that people say to my friends “why are you mates with him” and then you get the odd person saying “nah he’s actually alright” which gives me hope but then nothing changes. i know i’m weird but i’m wondering if i should embrace it or calm it down and act normal. it’s so hard to fit in at scjool so i decided to just be myself and i guess myself isn’t that great or people would like me.

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