What’s your favorite Pokémon and why?

  1. Haunter. I didn’t have the cable so I never got a Gengar. Loved dream eater and also taught him psychic for major damage.

  2. Arcanine.

    Giant fire puppy that you can ride?! Dude as an 6 year old when the anime hit I was determined I’d get one.

  3. Dragonite. Seems like he’d be the perfect companion pokemon, especially since I could fly on him.

  4. Crobat!

    It took a Pokémon line everyone hated in Gen I, made it’s evolution in Gen II friendship based so it can evolve quickly to final stage of you start early, it looks freaking cool, it’s tied (with Aerodactyl) for second fastest Flying type, edged out only by Ninjask, and can hit fairly hard. The addition of Fairy type, as well as expanding the moves available to Crobat just makes them more viable. My preferred moveset for playthrough: Brave Bird/Acrobatics, Roost, Confuse Ray, Crunch/Cross Poison. Or you can run a Tailwind/U-Turn combo to get away from a bad type matchup. I only wish they had a better ability.

    I would also like Tentacool to receive the same treatment.

  5. Garchomp

    Amazing design – I mean it’s a land shark dragon, you can’t get any cooler creature combination than that!

    It’s got an awesome type combo, great stats, great movepool, offensive presence. It’s always performed well in the meta no matter what generation. He pretty much fits the bill for what a standard great pokémon is.

  6. I like Pikachu because it’s adorable. I know it’s basic. I don’t care.

    Runner ups are Squirtle because it was my first Pokémon, and Mew because it’s insanely useful and ridiculously cute. Ninetails is one of the coolest ones, but it’s pretty useless in battle. And who doesn’t love a good Charizard?

  7. Pikachu. Because I used to watch pokemon when I was 3 and that’s the only one I can remember.

  8. Deoxys.

    Because he’s a shapeshifting BAMF and no one else seems to remember him. 🙁

  9. Absol. Thrives on its own, constantly blamed for things that aren’t its fault. I relate.

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