So, as the title says, me and my current (now ex, I guess) partner of several years share a dog. He wants us to share custody when we split, but I don’t want to. He said he not only wants us to work out a schedule to have them, but also for me to basically pay child support for the dog.
Now, it’s not that I don’t love the dog or that I won’t miss them. They are like my little fur baby and I love nothing more than having a cuddle or playing together. But I’ll be moving about an hour away and within 12 months I’ll be moving to the other side of the world. I’m happy to offer to look after them when they need rather than using kennels, as long as my (ex)partner isn’t in the house. But since we’ve always seen the dog as his (he was the one who pushed to get a dog, and the specific breed and name of said dog), I feel like him asking for financial support after we split is a stretch?

Any advice of viewpoints would be appreciated

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