My(27F) husband (34M) and I have 4 children, the youngest is 8 months. We have a wonderful partnership and are as much in love as we have ever been. <3 We are both devout Christians which I only mention because the religious implications of marriage and lust are important to me.

I’m looking for anonymous advice on this sensitive topic because it feels disrespectful to go to our church or my friends who know him personally.

So, basically the title sums it up. In the past two months my husband’s appetite has increased significantly. I have no problem with this fundamentally, and enjoy the intimacy but lately it is putting everything else on the back burner. We’ve missed meet ups with friends, asked the caretaker to stay over her schedule more than a dozen times, sometimes I’m making dinner so late that I’m scrambling to get anything better than microwave-ready food on the table. We have been doing less of anything on the weekends other than staying home together. One that really bothers me was missing a medical check up for our eldest daughter and having to reschedule.

On one hand it’s very flattering and reassuring, I have worked hard to maintain my health and figure through multiple pregnancies, it’s wonderful for my confidence. On the other I feel like it’s taking over our marriage. When I ask why the increase, he’s said that he’s wanted this for months but was waiting for me to be ready after the last birth, and that it’s all love and attraction for me. When I’ve talked about my embarrassment with missing things he laughs it off and promises it’s nothing terribly important and that he wouldn’t make us miss anything we couldnt reschedule. He’s also answered that he doesn’t see me stopping mid session for an appointment either.

He has a point that I haven’t drawn a hard boundary but he is also completely aware of what things we are blowing off every time.

Normally I’m great at communicating my side with him with any issue we have, we’ve been through so much together, but I’m feeling tripped up on this. How do I balance this without harming my marriage, my social balance, and without shaming him?

Husbands libido went through the roof and is taking priority over other parts of life. How do I find the balance again when I don’t fully dislike it, and he doesn’t see it as an issue?

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