A little curious on this because I’ve heard and seen differing opinions on the topic – both from people around me and Reddit.

My boyfriend is currently on a trip with his family for nearly two weeks. I let him know in advance that he was more than welcome to go no-contact with me if he wanted to, but he was insistent that he would send updates and photos. Of the very few messages I’ve received, most of them were a one-sided conversation from my end that resulted in him falling asleep mid-way or disappearing constantly. Obviously, I have a life (before anyone hits me with that comment) and other things to do, but it’s a little disappointing to know that I was told one thing and being shown another. And yes, I get that he’s busy and plans change.

I asked a few male coworkers for their thoughts, to which they said that they would make the effort to communicate more with their partners if they were on vacations – even something like checking in during downtime or making sure to let the other person know that they would have to end the conversation instead of disappearing without a word. I was advised by them to let my boyfriend put in some effort to pull his weight and be proactive to be thoughtful. Unfortunately, my boyfriend doesn’t recognize hints and prefers to be told outright if he’s not doing something right; if I do that however, I worry that it comes off as nagging.

So, men, how important is it to you to check in on your partner and are you interested in telling your partner about your vacation when you’re away?

**EDIT:** Thank you for the replies! Some people have made comments about the “no-contact” point in my post; to clarify, I would’ve been 100% okay with putting my phone aside for the duration of the trip if that’s what he wanted as well. However, he said he wanted to keep in touch still and I made sure to give him the option either way.

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