I have an anxious attachment style and I have to see him because we’re in the same friend group… and it sucks. Every time i think i have progress it just always reverts.

  1. I am going through this too.

    It has been 18 months and I thought we were finally making progress. He cancelled a trip we were supposed to take together for my birthday and that was the last straw. I “broke up” with him today. If he can’t give me what I want he’s not getting the coochie.

    I’m sad but I feel better and less anxious than I have in a long time. I’m not always waiting for calls and texts and date invites that never comes, anxiously looking to see whether he’s read my texts and whether he’s online, worrying if he’s with other women…Im really sad because I loved him and the hope is dead now and I can’t even think of dating any other man but at least I’m free and have peace of mind.

  2. This is like having a job that says you are a great employee, but doesn’t want to hire you and wants to keep you in unpaid intern status forever.

    Maybe it’s a shit job.

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