What did you learn that helped you the most in navigating modern dating nowadays?

  1. This seems simple but: don’t focus on if they like you, focus on if you like them.
    It’s all too easy getting caught in a game with a stupid prize if you’re not putting your needs first.

  2. It’s a numbers game. Don’t take it personally if you encounter rejections and unmatches, and don’t despair if you haven’t found someone you’re compatible with yet – going through meeting the “wrong” people is just part of the process of looking for the “right” people.

  3. That I don’t have to participate.

    That I don’t have to do what others do, let alone what anyone or society tells me or implies or suggests to me.

    That things that work for some people do not work for me. That is OK. It does not mean I am resentful towards others or want them to change, but if I want to be happy, I need to be honest with myself.

    So I never used dating apps – unless you are one of those people that count Insta, TikTok and the like (but I never dated anyone from there or that I met through that), I never did one-night-stands/hook-ups.

    I took my time for myself and my life. I found out what I want. I found my own happiness in myself first. I would have been absolutely ok with spending my life on my own too.

    Good luck and much safety to all out there participating! Hope you find what you are looking for (if you want and are looking) and become happy!

  4. Don’t binge on people. Stop swiping after a few matches, focus on one person, and get off the apps until that person doesn’t work out.

  5. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned in modern dating is to prioritize authentic communication and sincerity above all else. And be more listening than talking

  6. To be sincere, to solve my own mental problems before going into any kind of relationships, to not expect anything from the person

  7. Have a list of non negotiables and STICK TO IT. I had my list and immediately broke it a few times, then decided I needed to really dig in and make anyone who broke a single item on my list a hard no. I met my partner after that.

  8. Not to tell people that I was a virgin lol. Too many guys would get oddly excited/ obsessed about it. It was such a relief/ green flag when my now fiancé didn’t give a shit about it.

  9. understanding that romantic love is a ruse to set women up. I now focus all my time & energy on myself, my family and friends

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